Thursday, January 8, 2009

Boobenstein and Obama

Best Foot First's Blog Dog Chin Wags with Obama

President-Elect Barack Obama met Boobenstein in an area of Capitol Hill referred to as Ward 6 for an old-fashioned chin wag.*

Their encounter stems from a deep connection they developed when Boobenstein and Obama rallied for the not-so-cool-headed opposition. They have been fast friends ever since.

When the ruff gets going in others, Boobenstein admires how Obama's coolness seems to quell the unrest. Sometimes without saying anything at all, Barack can change the mood of a whole nation. Boobenstein, with one leg up on most of the more controversial issues, begs to differ most of the time. In spite of their differences, they have bonded around a healthy exchange of fresh ideas.

For example, when Boobenstein issued mortgage-barked securities at a local business establishment, Obama bailed him out, stating that, "We need to reconstruct the way our society does its business." No matter how the economy gets fixed, we all need to participate. Boobenstein admittedly had no intention of what some consider a Ponzi scheme of issuing more—to issue more, advising Obama not to get caught up in the vicious cycle of DC barkus quo.

Although they only met briefly because of Boobenstein's busy schedule and Obama's need to fill the cabinet, they cherished every second they had together. Each with a smug, yet empathetic wag of their chins (see photo), they parted and promised to meet again.

*Best Foot First's Blog Dog is for entertainment purposes only. In fact, that any meeting has ever taken place between the two parties cannot be confirmed by—and would likely be denied by—Obama and his staff.