Saturday, January 30, 2010

Boobenstein Encore!!!

Barcheology named new science today on Capitol Hill, [Original Print, December 7, 2007]

Renowned Professor, Chuck E. Boobenstein, announced his discovery of the new science after doing extensive barking expeditions in and around a section of Capitol Hill referred to as Ward 6. Most of Prof. Boobenstein's research stems from a sincere interest in uncovering how humans interact with noise at varying pitches and volume levels.

In a recent interview, he described how he approaches his subjects from a more qualitative, as opposed to quantitative approach. He then went on to provide a cutting edge correlation of how subjects react to the never-before-documented stimuli. Several key witnesses on the Hill have simply stated—in one form or another—that what Boobenstein has unraveled is truly beyond the "tipping point." Others, who have not been quite as zealous about his research, have vowed that what he has uncovered is not considered real research. Several barkus-envy conservatives have been petitioning to have his new science and tenure pulled from the University.

Either way, it is quite a charm to see him in the midst of his action research, only breaking here and there for other subtle movements, which are slated to be a part of his next research project.